Open Gates

Life is filled with both amazing and difficult moments. It's during the good times that God wants His followers to discover who Christ is, so that, during the difficult times, we, like Peter, will say to Jesus, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

Key Scriptures: Matthew 16:15–20 and Acts 12:5–10

We can go from "amazing" to "difficult" rather quickly, but God gives us revelation of who He is to prepare us for difficult times and persecution. Satan tries to hold us back and discourage us, but God is able to loosen the chains that bind us and open the iron gates on our behalf.

  • We must have a revelation of who Christ is. (Matthew 16:15–20)
    • During Peter’s highest point in life, he had a revelation of who Christ was. He boldly declared that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God. If you’re in a season of life where things are going well, or if you feel like things couldn’t get any better, use this time as an opportunity to get a deeper revelation of who Christ is.
  • During the hard times, lean on what you know to be true. (Acts 12:5–10)
    • Everyone experiences hard times. When you find yourself in a season of difficulty or persecution, it’s not the time to answer the “hard questions.” Instead, it’s the time to declare who Christ is. Satan tries to put chains on us, but God is able to remove the chains and open any gate that He wants us to walk through. During difficult times, we must declare that we will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. By doing this, we welcome God to open any “gates” and help us overcome any obstacles we’re facing.

Please consider the following directions and questions:

  1. Pastor Brady referred to two types of seasons: difficult and amazing. Which season are you in?
  2. How has this season impacted your relationship with God and others? Explain.
  3. Tell about a time that was especially difficult for you, but during which you were able to discover a deeper revelation of who Christ is. Does that experience bring you hope when going through present challenges? Why or why not?
  4. Read Acts 12:5–10. Do you feel there are any areas of your life that the Enemy has tried to put chains on to hold you back? If so, what do you feel like God is saying to you regarding this situation?
  5. Pastor Brady shared that we all have a God-given call that is wonderful and yet dangerous. Metaphorically, it’s like the dangerous city on the other side of the gates that we must travel towards. Do you feel like you can identify with this statement? Why or why not? What do you feel like God is telling you in regards to your calling or the areas of your life He wants to give you victory in?
  6. As your reflection comes to a close, remember the following:
    • Discover who Christ is during the easy times.
    • Declare who Christ is during the difficult times.
    • Allow God to open any gates that stand in the way of your calling.
  7. Lastly, pray that each person in the discussion, congregation, or elsewhere, will have a greater revelation of who Christ is.

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